The Warburton Souling Play - Gallery, Last
Night 2004
The Last
6th November 2004
Photographs from the lasts
nights performances on Saturday 6th November
2004. Clicking
on the image will give a larger version in a separate window. With
thanks to Bob Sweet for the photos.

"I'm a Doctor". The Doctor making his enterence in The Railway,

The Doctor, and
the Old Woman administering The Cure to the Turkish Champion.
Again in the Saddlers Arms
in Lymm
Beelezebub - a little bit thirsty again!. The Axe and Cleaver, Dunham.

The Groom showing Dick to
the audience
The last set of pictures
are from the
Last performance of the season at the Saracen's Head. Thanks for these
pictures go to Dave Lewis.
King George enters for the
last time
this season.
Beelzebub eyeing up his
next drink.
The Groom obviously
enjoying himself .
And after the last
relaxing with a spot of music.
This page updated: 8th
November 2004.