For the fifth night this year we were performing in Hale, Altrincham
and Timperley, however we did our first performance in Ashley at
the Greyhound where these first few pictures are from.

The Enterer starting things off for
the evening at the first pub, The Greyhound in Ashley on Friday
11th November 2016.
The Turkish Champion and
King George off fighting again!
The Doctor with a bit of
anesthesia in the Greyhound.

Got one -- Beelzebub
up to no good again!

The Driver and horse in the Greyhound
bringing the first performance of the evening to a close.
After visiting Hale for the
second pub, we went into Altrincham next and the Market Tavern from
where the following photos come........

The Old Woman asking for her
'son' to be cured
in the Market Tavern in

The Turkish Champion after being revived,
and complaining about his broken back!!
The Market Tavern.
A familiar pose!! This time in the Market
updated: 13th
November 2016